Eagle Bay Epic Adventure Race to cease, but exciting news is brewing…
ANNOUNCEMENT (14 March 2024)
Rapid Ascent advises that the Eagle Bay Epic Adventure Race scheduled for November 2024 will not take place.
Rapid Ascent acknowledge that the event has run its course due to the diminishing participant numbers and interest in the adventure race format. We debated long and hard about what to do with the event, and with much heartache, our formal decision for 2024 and beyond is to cease the event.
The decision was not made lightly due to the long heritage of the event having been one of the very first events Rapid Ascent conducted as a business 19 years ago! It was very successful for many years – first in Dunsborough, then in Augusta, and on to Eagle Bay for the last four years.
We are proud of the event and wholeheartedly express our appreciation and gratitude to the many thousands of people who participated and supported the event over the years; remembering it as a truly rewarding experience and adventure weekend.
Rapid Ascent would also like to formally thank our loyal sponsors, the City of Busselton, and Tourism Western Australia for their support in making it what it became – the biggest adventure race weekend in Australia!
We understand the disappointment this news may bring to the adventure racing community, our partners and supporters. However know that Rapid Ascent remain committed to delivering exceptional experiences and hope to resume additional off-road races and events held in Western Australia in the near future. So get excited and watch this space…!
The Team at Rapid Ascent