EVENT PROGRAM: Here is the official Event Program for the 2023 Eagle Bay Epic. This fully explains the event with confirmed schedule, course details, transition areas and more. All event attendees are strongly encouraged to read it before the event. READ IT HERE.
Why should the big kids have all the fun?
The Eagle Bay Epic Kids’ Adventure is a super fun running and obstacle adventure challenge over a ~4km course. Leave the iPads at home and get your kids registered for a healthy and inclusive activity in the great outdoors.
This event carries on the legacy of the Augusta Junior Survivor Race—an event with more than 800 entries – and we’ll be expecting similar numbers at Eagle Bay (so get your registrations in quick!).

Saturday 4 November 2023 – 3:30pm
Kids will start in different wave starts according to their age – as follows:
- All wave starts commence on the grass in front of the Brewery restaurant as listed below:
- 11,12 & 13yrs boys start at 3:30pm
- 11,12 & 13yrs girls start at 3:32pm
- 9 & 10yrs boys start at 3:34pm
- 9 & 10yrs girls start at 3:36pm
- 7 & 8yrs boys start at 3:38pm
- 7 & 8yrs girls start at 3:40pm
- under 7yrs boys and girls start at 3:42pm
A ~4km running and obstacle course in the farm land surrounding The Brewery.
Starting off in age groups, kids complete the course solo and un-accompainied by parents as they follow the course markings from obstacle to obstacle at their own pace.
Similar to the ever-popular Junior Survivor in Augusta, the event is sure to attract a large field of very excited kids!
For kids aged up to 13 years of all abilities.
The event starts kids of similar ages together so they are with their own kind (11-13 boys/girls, 9-10 boys/girls, 7-8 girls/boys, Under 7’s – boys & girls together)

- number plate
- Fruit at the finish
- A custom designed cotton brush peaked hat! First 260 entries only.

No special equipment or athletic skills are required, just bring along your sense of adventure and fun (and a good pair of shoes) and we promise we’ll put a smile on your dial!
The complete course will be approximately 4km in length. Kids can expect to encounter an exciting challenge every 3-5 minutes or so. The course is designed to give you about 30 minutes of physical activity. The important thing is that every Kids Adventurer who crosses the finish line is a winner!
Course map (provisional)